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Celebrating Joe Faas in Dresden

There is a saying in politics that if you want to be liked don’t become an elected official, buy a dog instead.

As a politician for 41 years, Joe Faas had made the odd enemy, but with his even-keeled approach he’s the rare elected official who has also made a lot of friends.

The Dresden Rotary Club is hosting a celebration dinner in Faas’ honour on January 20, to celebrate his service to the community. The celebration will take place at the Rotary Wheelhouse on North Street.

The 72-year-old Faas was first elected in 1976 as a Dresden councillor, a position he held for 17 years. He was mayor of Dresden for nine years.

After municipal amalgamation, Faas was elected as a councillor representing the North Kent ward in 2003 and held onto that position until he decided not to run for re-election earlier this year.

Tickets are $30 and are available by contacting Lynda Weese at 519-436-1754.

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