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CK Inclusiveness Campaign Recognized At Provincial Conference

Eric Labadie, Marketing & Communications Officer for Economic Development, Rebecca Haskell-Thomas, Coordinator, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice, and Doug Robbins, Economic Development Officer, pose with their award of excellence from the Economic Developers Council of Ontario. (Photo courtesy of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent)

A local campaign has received provincial recognition for supporting the 2SLGBTQ+ community through local businesses.

Chatham-Kent’s “Supporting 2SLGBTQ+ People in the Workplace” marketing campaign was awarded first place in the Inclusive Community Based Initiatives & Programming category, during the Economic Developers Council of Ontario Awards of Excellence.

The 66th annual conference was held from February 7-9 in Toronto.

“The reception this campaign has received is yet another sign that Chatham-Kent is growing; not just in economy and infrastructure, but in the understanding and acceptance of our diverse population,” said Eric Labadie, the marketing and communications officer with Chatham-Kent Economic Development Services.

The campaign was launched in August 2022 during Pride Week to spread awareness of ways that local businesses can support the 2SLGBTQ+ community. The campaign also spread awareness about the community’s local associations, advocates, groups, resources, and allies.

“We’re a growing community with lots to learn, and through initiatives like this, we’re showing our commitment to moving forward in the right direction,” said Stuart McFadden, the director of CK Economic Development Services.

The municipality’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice team collaborated with the CK Gay Pride Association, CK Queers, and other community partners such as the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, to create the campaign.

“Our efforts help make our whole community better,” said Rebecca Haskell-Thomas, the municipality’s coordinator of diversity, equity, inclusion & justice. “When people feel safe and welcome, they are more likely to invest, live, and work in Chatham-Kent.”

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