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CK Releases Concept Plan For Wallaceburg’s South Side

Plans to redevelop Wallaceburg’s south side are starting to take shape and the municipality is looking for further public feedback.

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent has published a draft concept report, in collaboration with a consulting team at Fotenn Planning + Design and TY Lin Associates, which details potential redevelopment plans for the south side of the town, including part of the downtown core.

The intent of the Wallaceburg South Side Secondary Plan is to set a vision for how the area will evolve over the next 20-plus years.

The new report details several proposed concepts including the creation of a new waterfront park between the west side of McDougall Street and Bridge Street that connects to Marine Superior Park. According to the report, the park could be designed to include performance amphitheatre seating, a skating rink, fitness equipment, art installations, and a splash pad among other amenities.

The report also proposes creating additional smaller parks on Herbert Street, near the railway, and on Murray Street, as well as improvements and an expansion to Water Tower Park.

As well, a new community and cultural space is proposed between Wallace Street and King Street, which could include a public facility such as a library seniors centre, or other cultural use facility.

A proposed mobility network is included as part of the plan, which would provide safe and efficient routes for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists in the concept area.

The municipality is now offering several opportunities for the public to provide input on the draft concept report through surveys and open houses.

An online survey is currently available on the Let’s Talk CK website, which can be found by clicking here. The survey will close on March 3.

The municipality will also hold an in-person open house on February 18 at the Royal Canadian Legion at 52 Margaret Avenue in Wallaceburg. The open house will run from 10 a.m. until noon and will be followed by an in-person workshop from 1:30 p.m. until 4 p.m.

To view the draft concept report on the Wallaceburg South Side Secondary Plan, click here.

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