That includes the Children’s Treatment Centre Foundation of Chatham-Kent.
Tim Hortons restaurants in Wallaceburg, Chatham, and Dresden owned by the Pritchard and Grail families came up with a donation of $34,970.
Not all services at the Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent are covered by government funding. Programs like Social Work, Therapeutic Recreation Services and Music Therapy are all funded by the CTC Foundation.
Funds raised from the Smile Cookie Campaign will go towards providing programing and therapy for children that attend the Centre. The CTC served over 5,000 children in 2020, which equals to one in every five Chatham-Kent children.
As previously reported, Tim Hortons restaurants in Thamesville, Ridgetown, Blenheim, and Tilbury raised $16,881 through the Smile Cookie campaign with proceeds benefitting the Chatham-Kent Student Nutrition Program.
Tim Hortons’ Smile Cookie campaign began in 1996 as a way to help raise funds for the Hamilton Children’s Hospital, and has grown to become a major fundraising event across Canada.