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Kettles in Ridgetown has a different Chef featured every Saturday from 10-3 pm. During the Month of December they want to make sure you have plenty of ideas and options for Christmas dinner and New Years Parties.


A very easy and fun recipe that kids can help with!

Make a batch of your favorite cookies or if you are in a rush ou can even use store bought cookies.

You will also need stick pretzels, brown icing, white icing, m&ms or smaries.

Make sure cookies are cool to the touch.

use 2 dots of brown icing to hold the pretzels (antlers) on the top of the cookie.

2 big dots of white icing for the eyes (add small brown ones on top if you want pupils on the eyes)

use smartie or m&m as nose and secure with brown icing

use brown icing for mouth!

Let icing set – then enjoy!!!!

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