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Council to Debate Winter Maintenance Service Levels

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Could salting all sidewalks in Chatham-Kent become a reality?

Ward 2 councillor Anthony Ceccacci is bringing forth a motion for Monday night’s council meeting to determine if this could be an option for future winters.

“I think a part of good governance is continuously looking at policies as well as expenditures and often we hear throughout the communities that taxation levels are high but a majority of our taxation comes from services and infrastructure,” explained Ceccacci.

“So this is one of those checks and balances. I think it is good to go back to the community and say if it’s going to cost you this much on your tax bill moving forward do you want us to start salting?”

Ceccacci brings up the more Canadian-than-normal winter Chatham-Kent is currently experiencing as one reason behind the motion which would investigate how other municipalities are handling the added snow and ice, what are the best practices, and what the cost would be.

“It would allow the municipal council to either put something forward to re-add the salt components in or would at least allow for that public conversation and public consultation to see if it’s a service that people want,” said Ceccacci.

Debating salting sidewalks and snow removal is nothing new for CK council.  Back in 2019 council voted to establish the current level of service.

If passed, Ceccacci’s new motion will not have any associated costs as the report will be done in-house and presented at the 2026 budget meeting. The report would have a detailed explanation of the associated costs of a change in winter maintenance.

“I think it is important we at least look at this and see what the benefits to doing it and if it’s worth the additional cost to the taxes,” said Ceccacci.

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