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Crises Centre Hosts Holly Painter

As May winds to a close, the Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre wants to take one more opportunity to remind everybody that it is sexual assault awareness month.

Spokesperson Jamie Gall says they have a special event on Friday.

“So the Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre and the Blenheim Youth Centre Youth Action team have joined forces we’re going to be having a youth night with a spoken word artist, Holly painter, she’s coming from London and will have a key note and workshop afterwards for any youth that are interested. ‘It’s a show up and drop in, and I want to point out it’s a youth night but we are opening it up to family and friends in adults want to participate.  The more the merrier.”

The event goes from 6-9 at the cultural centre on Friday. It’s a youth night but everybody is invited.

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