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Entegrus Serving Up Take-Out Thanksgiving Meal

As with so many events these days, the annual Entegrus Thanksgiving meal is having to pivot.

This is the 8th year the local utility has prepared a full turkey dinner for those in need, but instead of having a sit-down buffet-style meal, this Friday’s luncheon will be by take-out only.

“Traditionally, this has been a warm, sit down meal, served to over 100 patrons of the St. Ursula, St. Paul’s Society of St. Vincent De Paul’s Friday meal program each year, stated Jim Hogan, President & CEO of Entegrus. “We wanted to ensure we were still able to provide a special meal for those in need.”

With COVID safety protocols in place, staff and volunteers will be handing out meal packages from 11:15 until 12:30 at the Spirit and Life Centre.

The annual Thanksgiving meal typically serves about 100 patrons of the St Ursula and St Vincent de Paul’s Friday meal program.

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