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Environmental Defence Voices Concerns With Landfill Plans in Dresden

York1 Environmental Waste Solutions property on Irish School Road. Photo courtesy of Google Maps.

The chorus of voices opposing plans to expand a landfill just north of Dresden continues to grow.

Activist group Environmental Defence is calling on the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks to reject an application from York1 Environmental Waste Solutions to expand the Irish School Road property to create a regenerative recycling facility.

The activist group says the proposal could cause serious harm to the Sydenham River and species at risk living in the area. The group says the eastern branch of the Sydenham is the river’s most biodiverse area and is home to several endangered, threatened and globally vulnerable species, including the salamander mussel.

“If the dump is built, toxic substances and wastewater runoff from the dump could leach into Molly’s Creek and eventually transfer into the Sydenham,” a statement from Environmental Defence reads. “This will contaminate critical habitats and kill some of Ontario’s rarest species such as the Spiny softshell turtle and Salamander mussel, pushing them closer towards the brink of extinction.”

Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.

York1 has made two applications to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks to amend the ECA. The first one to increase the waste facility and daily receiving rate was on the MOECP’s website for public comment on January 31, and is available for the public to comment until March 16.

A second application for amendment to allow operations at the landfill 24 hours per day, seven days per week is open for public comment until April 11.

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