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Four-Way Stop Being Removed

Changes are coming to a Wallaceburg intersection. stopsign

As of this coming Friday, the all-way stop sign will be removed from the corner of Murray Street and Reaume Avenue.

In its place will be a two-way stop and pedestrian crossing signal for traffic on Reaume, while those driving on Murray will have the right of way.

Engineering Technologist Mark Ceppi says the changes were brought on by the cancellation of the adult crossing guard program.

“Murray Street and Reaume was one of the former adult crossing guard locations that was included in the study,” Ceppi says. “What we found was that the all-way stop was not warranted, but the new pedestrian crossover was.”

While some residents have expressed concern about safety for school kids crossing Murray without the four-way stop, Ceppi says the bottom line is that motorist need to be responsible for everyone’s safety.

“Obviously (traffic on) Murray Street will not be stopping, if anything there will be increased delay times on Reaume but safety, that’s up to the motorists,” Ceppi explains. “They’ll need to obey the rules of the road and make sure it’s safe to cross the intersection.”

Ceppi says if it turns out there are problems, the changes could be revisited but that would mean the removal of the new pedestrian crossover.

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