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Future Of Healthcare In Limbo

Following an announcement by Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath about leaked documents from the Ford government that allegedly show a plan to create a two-tier healthcare system, some are worried about what this means for the province.

Dr. Reuben Devlin, the Chair of the Premier’s Council on Improving Health Care and Ending Hallway Medicine, recently released a report about integrating health care and finding efficiencies to improve the system, but local advocate Shirley Roebuck isn’t convinced.

“The findings within the Devlin report are nonsense, when he talks about integration of services, somebody better ask him, ‘What do you mean about that? What do you really mean?’ Healthcare has been integrated up the wazoo. You can’t integrate everything and it would be silliness to think more integration would be satisfactory to deliver quality healthcare,” says Roebuck. “In March we’re going to have a lobby day where we will obtain appointments with MPPs attached to the health ministry to talk about these plans. We’re going to have a huge province wide rally at Queen’s Park.”

Roebuck says that province-wide rally is being organized by the Ontario Health Coalition on April 30th. In the meantime, she says anyone with concerns about the future of healthcare in Ontario should contact their local MPP.

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