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Getting Kids to Eat Healthier

A branch of the local public health unit wants to get young people interested in vegetables and fruit. vegetables

Annie Lukacsovics, Super Kids CK Coordinator with the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit, says their Club V&F program is looking for kids across the community to sign up through schools, child care centres and other local youth based programs.

“Organizations will have the opportunity to enroll 10 of their children that are aged 9-14 to prepare food for a salad bar to feed all of the children 2-12 that their organization serves,” Lukacsovics explains. “Not only will this give those children that are preparing the food an opportunity to build their food skills, but will also increase other children’s exposure to fruits and vegetables.”

Ten organizations will each receive a standard kitchen kit worth $1,000 that includes bowls, spoons, cutting boards, knives.

Funding to purchase food and supplies for at least three salad bar events to feed all of the children and more.

The application form can be accessed online, or through social media on the Super Kids CK Facebook page or on Twitter @SuperKidsCK.

The deadline is Monday, September 25, 2017.

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