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Glass Enthusiasts Donating Historic Document To Wallaceburg Museum

A group of local glass enthusiasts are donating a piece of Wallaceburg’s history to the town’s museum.

The group, Glasfax, plans to donate an original copy of an 1896 Sydenham Glass Co. LTD Catalogue and price list, to the Wallaceburg and District Museum on June 11. The document is believed to be one of only two in existence.

“We are enthused that we can be in receipt of the catalogue and honoured to be able to bring this document home to Wallaceburg,” said museum curator Kaelyn Gregory in a news release.

Glasfax, which is dedicated to the study of glass manufactured and used in Canada, pooled donations from members across three districts to purchase the document at auction.

The group has made several other donations to the Wallaceburg Museum over the years, including glass paperweights.

The catalogue and price list will be given to the museum during a public presentation at the Vonn Ayres Centre on June 11 at 2 p.m.

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