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Keep Safety Top of Mind as Kids Head Back to Class

With thousands of students across Chatham-Kent and Lambton County heading back to school today, drivers are reminded to stay alert.

Kent Orr, General Manager of Chatham-Kent Lambton Administrative School Services (CLASS) student transportation, says there the addition of an amber light warning system on school buses was a bit of a learning curve for some drivers last year.

“When the amber lights are flashing, it’s the driver’s opportunity to warn traffic (they’re) about to stop, so as a motorist, you slow down and be aware and see where those kids could be,” Orr says. “It’s that little advance notice instead of when the red lights go on the old style, you didn’t know if it was a stop right away or coming up.”

Orr says some of the biggest concerns are drivers simply not paying attention around school buses or speeding.

“Watch for the kids, watch for the buses, and watch for the school safety zones.”

With this week’s warm weather, more students will be walking or biking to school, and Orr says that puts even more responsibly on motorists to stay alert. He says some bus stops have changed locations in recent months, which motorists may not be used to.

Fines for a first offence for passing a school bus with its lights flashing range from $400 to $2000 and six demerit points. Each following offence includes fines from $1000-$4000, six demerit points, and possible jail time of up to six months.

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