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Leamington Farmer Eyes CKL Conservative Nomination

Leamington farmer Dave Epp at the Conservative National Convention in Halifax. Photo courtesy of Dave Epp via Facebook.

Life on the farm has prepared David Epp for the action on Parliament Hill as he joins the race for the federal Conservative nomination in Chatham-Kent-Leamington.

The third generation tomato farmer has announced his candidacy to fill the seat being vacated by Dave Van Kesteren.

Epp says running a farm is the same as a small business these days and he has that background to be successful for his constituents.

“My experience in both the church world and the education field, I had the opportunity to chair school board,” Epp explains. “Other community involvement from hockey to other fundraisers, my present role as an international charity dedicated to addressing global hunger, rounds out my experience besides my primary passion, which is and always has been agriculture.”

He says other main areas of concern for the riding are shoreline erosion, and increasing tourism.

David Van Damme, Mike Grail, and Toyin Crandell have already entered the race.

At this point, no date has been set for a nomination meeting, although it’s expected to be held sometime in November.

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