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Local Spotlight – Shiloh Nauvoo

Written by Jamie Hiscox of Shiloh Nauvoo:

shilohnauvoo2Tradegy struck and I was given a tune. Out of the passing of my brother I was able to write about what was going on inside.

“Life’s Seasons” is a story of various stages I went through with grieving ,loss and depression, and out of the ashes, I was able to write from my un-conscious mind of how it felt, because at times, words meant nothing to me, words can’t bring someone back, or erase things that have happened from your past. Justin Time Justin Case was the tune that I was given and it was actually sung at Justin’s funeral. The tune was co-written between myself and Mr. Troy Draper and it was just awesome description of my brother and the legacy he left me. See after his passing yes his life ended, but the Lord opened my eyes to the life I still had to live, and this gift of music i had to give to others.

Music is a communicator that is totally on its own wave length. It speaks a certain way to one person, and then completely the opposite to another. So with that understanding I am not going to get into specifics of what this song meant, or what that song meant, because that is your job listeners! But like I said from the beginning it is an album of my soul grieving and in pain, and stories of my un-conscious mind.

The album was recorded by Mr. Rick Ash of Lambeth and myself. It was amazing to have Rick alongside me to grow my music. The tunes would start with ideas and most of the ideas were in a conjumbled mess, and Rick would be a sobering voice on what part should dance with the other part, that sort of deal.

First off for each tune we would record the bare tracks- that being an acoustic guitar with vocals. Then would come the doctoring part of which Rick would dissect the bare tracks and add stationary parts and add his awesome style to it, mostly with piano, mandolin, electric keyboard, and guitar. This album would not be what it was , if Rick hadn’t come alongside myself and help me grow my music and I will be forever grateful for him helping me. The album took a year to complete and then was sent off to Toronto to be printed. On the album includes Nate Bowering on drums, Sarah Skinner on vocals, Troy Draper on guitar , and myself and Rick on the rest of the essentials.

I hope it speaks to you, that is my objective.

Jamie Hiscox

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