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Men’s Shelter Looking For Help

The New Beginning House is looking for volunteers to help out at the men’s shelter.  homeless

Public Relations Volunteer Wanda Bell says they’re looking for men specifically.

“We have several people, but mostly women, who have been trained,” Bell says. “We’re going to be offering training at the end of January and the beginning of February so we can get more volunteers and be open for overnight service.”

Bell says the shelter is only open on select days, but if they can get enough volunteers, they’ll be able to be open on a regular basis.

Anyone interested in volunteering can stop by the New Beginning House at 183 Wellington Street West in Chatham on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 10am-2pm.

Volunteers must have a police background check and be a good listener.

It’s a supervisory role, and all policies and procedures will be discussed during training at the end of January and beginning of February.

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