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More Candidates Added to the Ballot

Photo courtesy of Elections Ontario.

It’s been almost a week since the provincial election was called and local Liberals finally have a candidate in their corner.

Following a nomination meeting Saturday afternoon, the Chatham-Kent-Leamington Liberal Association has selected Alec Mazurek as their flagbearer leading up to the June 2nd vote.

Sunday, a nomination meeting was held for the riding of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex, with Bruce Baker named as the Liberal candidate. Baker is a recent graduate of Queen’s University with an interdisciplinary honours degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics.

The last day to submit nomination papers for the Ontario election is this Thursday, May 12th.

Chatham-Kent-Leamington candidates:

Progressive Conservative: Trevor Jones
NDP: Brock McGregor
Liberal: Alex Mazurek
Green: Jennifer Surerus
Ontario Party: Rick Nicholls
New Blue: Rhonda Jubenville
None of the Above: Bryce Giroux

Lambton-Kent-Middlesex candidates:

Progressive Conservative: Monte McNaughton
NDP: Vanessa Benoit
Liberal: Bruce Baker
Green: Wanda Dickey
Ontario Party: Aaron Istvan Vegh
New Blue: David Barnwell
None of the Above: Dave Eve

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