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More Drilling To Take Place At Site Of Wheatley Explosion

Residents in Wheatley will soon notice large equipment and workers wearing protective equipment as contractors begin drilling at the site of the August 26 gas explosion.

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent said oil and gas contractors will be in downtown Wheatley on Wednesday morning to re-drill the tait well, known as Area of Potential Environmental Concern 2.

Residents near the evacuation zone can expect to see a drilling rig, storage tanks and a flare stack at the site, along with workers wearing breathing apparatuses.

“During several phases of the work the drill rig will be using a series of air horn blasts to communicate information to workers. Controlled gas releases through the flare stack are to be anticipated,” the municipality said in a news release. “During drilling, if gas is encountered, the flare stack will ignite to protect workers on site and the community.”

Residents may also notice odours similar to previous gas releases while work is ongoing. The municipality said air monitoring continues to be conducted 24/7 in the areas of concern to ensure the safety of workers and the community.

For residents who have questions about the ongoing work in the evacuation zone, municipal employees and fire officials will be visiting nearby properties to address any concerns.

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