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More Flood Warnings

The start of the week brings another flood advisory for the Lake Erie Shoreline. 

The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority says wind gusts could bring 2-3 metre waves this afternoon into the evening.

The waves are expected to remain mostly offshore, but should the wind switch to a more southerly direction, there could be a significant impact along Erie Shore Drive into tomorrow.

Officials say vulnerable areas will likely see some localized flooding with waves crashing against shoreline protection works, spraying water up onto the land.

Meantime, with heavy rain over the weekend, officials are also keeping a close eye on rivers and streams.

Some waterways spilled their banks on Saturday, forcing the LTVCA to operate the Indian-McGregor Creek Diversion Channel on Saturday night.

Water levels on the Thames River will rise over the next few days as the water from the upper watershed make their way downstream.

However, serious flooding along the Thames isn’t expected.

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