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Muni Chipping In For Retrofest/RM Celebrations

The municipality will be contributing nearly $85,000 to the RM 40th anniversary celebrations in downtown Chatham this summer.

RM Founder Rob Myers and CK Mayor Darrin Canniff.

However, Wallaceburg rep Aaron Hall was one of three councillors who voted against it.

“I heard some feedback from the community about it, and that’s why I voted the way I did,” Hall explains. “At the end of the day we’ll go forward as a council. I hope the celebration is an awesome celebration, and I have tons of respect for Mr Myers for everything he brings to the community.”

RM owner Rob Myers will be spending as much as half a million dollars on the festivities, which are taking place in mid-June.

The municipal contribution will cover things like policing, security, venues, and a shuttle service.


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