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Ward 3

MaryAnn Hawthorne

There are several reasons I am running for the position of Councillor for Ward 3 East Kent.  I have lived in East Kent my entire life and I am interested in our community and making it a place we can all be proud to live and make it so others would want to live here.

I have been a member of the Kiwanis Club of Ridgetown for the past 6 years and this club has provided me a local platform as splash pad and pavilion chair making a big difference in our community. The position of councillor would allow me a bigger platform to make a difference to other areas of our ward.

I am determined to become the voice that is needed to help make East Kent a better place to live and to ensure that residents’ concerns are heard.

I am hard working, ambitious, a leader that can get things done, committed to the community and have a strong voice to address the issues of residents in East Kent.

Steve Pinsonneault

I am seeking re-election this term because there are still things I want to accomplish. I have always been a strong voice at the council table and I believe I have the mutual respect of my fellow council members which goes a long way to getting things accomplished. I am the only incumbent running in East Kent and experience is necessary when you are dealing with a 300 million dollar budget. My track record shows that I have always been fiscally responsible and I believe I have good leadership qualities. I’ve been successful in business for over 20 years and in my opinion council needs a business common sense approach to running the budget.

Infrastructure is my number one concern this term with roads being the main concern. Every community in East Kent has terrible roads and not enough money to go around to fix what needs to be done. My goal is to ensure money gets into the budget to get the necessary repairs done. I see our ambulance service as the second major concern. With an aging community we need to make sure we have the right amount of staff and ambulances to service the community as well as having them stationed in the proper locations. As always I will fight hard to keep the amenities that are very important to the communities of East Kent in place.

John Wright

(No biography submitted)

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