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No Cause for Alarm After Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile

West Nile has reared its ugly head in Chatham-Kent.

Mosquitoes collected in Dresden, Blenheim, and northwest Chatham have tested positive for the virus, however, Public Health Inspector Michael Hatten says there’s no cause for alarm.

“This is absolutely just an indicator, and even where those trap sites are, mosquitoes can fly 2-kilometers radius from that area, so it’s from those general areas. Dresden and Blenheim certainly can cover the whole town, but northwest Chatham is quite a large area as it is,” says Hatten.

Hatten says the risk of contracting the illness is quite low, and even if you do, you likely won’t even show symptoms.

“The risk is low to begin with. Just because we have positive mosquitoes, doesn’t mean that every mosquito is going to be positive. We already know West Nile is within Chatham-Kent and in Ontario, so it’s just a matter of taking protective measures – wearing light coloured long sleeved clothing and long pants, and wearing an insect repellent containing DEET,” Hatten explains.

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