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One-Time Book Bash Coming to Chatham

A celebration of reading will be held in Chatham later today.

The Book Bash Children’s Literacy Festival kicks off at 5 o’clock this afternoon at the Bradley Convention Centre.

A local author showcase features the likes of Susan Nuttall, Mary Clendennning Genge, Wade Vermeersh, and Emma Vandermeer, among others.

A number of workshops are also being held in both English and French, and entertainment for the evening includes the Great Lakes Woodland Dance Troupe, Cecil Issac, and the Thames River String Band/La Tranche.

The event runs from five until 8:30 at the Bradley Centre.

Buses will be leaving from the Bkejwanong First Nation Public Library and Delaware Nation Community Centre at 5 o’clock to allow more people to get to the event.

The Book Bash is free of charge, and was made possible by a grant through the Muller Scholastic Endowment Fund for Canadian Children’s Literature.

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