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Plaque Program To Commemorate Chatham-Kent’s History

A new initiative has been announced in Chatham-Kent in an effort to commemorate historically significant people, events, and locations in the municipality.

In cooperation with the Chatham-Kent Heritage Network, the municipality is planning to install historical plaques at various locations throughout the community, which will serve as reminders of Chatham-Kent’s past and the contributions of those who came before us.

Mayor Darrin Canniff has allocated funding from his portion of the Councillor’s Ward Funding Program to pay for the initiative. Funds from the program are part of the Hydro One Community Benefit Contribution and can only be used to support recreation, arts and culture.

“There is great value in understanding the history of our communities, both the triumphs and the struggles,” said Canniff in a news release. “Commemorating this history with plaques and markers helps ensure future generations can learn from the past and continue to build upon the progress that has been made. These plaques serve as a reminder of where we have been and as a guidepost for where we must go.”

The municipality is currently encouraging residents to reach out to local heritage groups to share their stories that reflect the different historical perspectives of the community.

A timeline as to when residents can expect to see the historical plaques installed has not been released at this time.

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