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Progress Being Made in Downtown Wheatley

Excavation at APEC 2 to expose the casing stub. Photo courtesy of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

A significant step forward has been made in the investigation into repeated gas leaks in Wheatley and the August 26th explosion.

Investigators say the casing stub for an abandoned well in a municipal parking lot, identified as APEC 2 (Area of Potential Environmental Concern) was exposed and work is continuing to bring the well casing to the surface. 

Officials say bringing it to the surface will enable the team to better monitor the well and help identify future activity and mitigation options. 

Once that happens, officials will be able to conduct tests with pressurized water to see if there are any underground connections between this well and APEC 1, a well located at the scene of the explosion in August.

Meantime, the wait continues for the next release of hydrogen sulphide at the site, which could happen at any time.

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