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Promoting Arts and Culture in CK

A new community arts council, called the CK Arts and Culture Network, is looking to support cultural activities and build engagement in the arts throughout Chatham-Kent.

The volunteer-based non-profit group was formed earlier this year. The group made a presentation to Chatham-Kent council on Monday night to talk about their goals and purpose. One of the arts council’s first initiatives will be establishing a Chatham-Kent cultural hall of fame.

The group will operate independently from the municipality but will work with Chatham-Kent in providing a voice about arts and culture priorities, directions and projects in the municipality.

This input will help to shape municipal cultural initiatives such as legacy projects and public art, community arts activities and signature arts events.

“We do call it a network because we like to believe we are networking versus controlling and that we are supporting all (arts) groups,” said CK Arts and Culture Network chair James Snyder.

The call is also going out for new members to join the Board of Directors. To request an information package and application, contact

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