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Rallying the Troops

Frustration with changes to a Wallaceburg intersection is growing.

A motion to debate safety issues at the intersection of Murray and Reaume will be up for discussion, and a group of concerned residents are rallying the troops. 

Krystal Gyuricza is behind a petition urging the municipality to make changes.

“we need to bring at least 50 people with us, and we can have four or five people speak for about four or five minutes,” Gyuricza explains. “We’d like to fill the council (chambers) with people to say we need this change for the safety of the kids.”

It’s been a week and a half since the stop signs on Murray were removed as the lighted crosswalk was activated, but Gyuricza says drivers still aren’t getting the message.

“You have some people stopping, some people going,” she says. “Monday morning when I was out there, there was almost a pretty bad accident because the through-traffic on Murray was going, but the car that was coming off Reaume thought ‘this car’s stopping so I’m going to go’ and almost hit this lady, pulled out right in front of her.”

Gyuricza and a group of others have been meeting at the intersection every morning and afternoon since the all-way stop was removed to help kids get across the street safely.

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