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Safety Concerns Taken Seriously

Municipal officials want to reassure Wallaceburg residents that they are taking safety concerns about the corner of Murray and Reaume seriously. murray-and-reaume-2

An all-way stop at the intersection was removed late last week in favour of a lighted pedestrian crosswalk, but some say the transition leaves drivers and pedestrians at risk.

There have been suggestions that the traffic lights at Murray and King should be relocated to Reaume, but Chatham-Kent’s Manager of Infrastructure Services, Chris Thibert, says that really isn’t much different from the crosswalk.

“Motorists are supposed to stop when they see the flashing lights, when they see a pedestrian wanting to make the attempt to walk and cross safely,” Thibert says. “To relocate the traffic lights, it would be essentially the same thing.”

A petition is also being circulated by some area residents, calling for the municipality to install brighter, more visible lights at the crossing.

Thibert says municipal staff and police will continue to keep an eye on the intersection to ensure everyone’s safety.

“If we do see any issues continuing, and things not being corrected,” he says, “then that’s something we need to come back to the table and come up with a different solution.”

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