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School Boards Prepare for Virtual Learning

Local school boards are fleshing out their plans for after the holidays.

The province has instructed all schools to shift to remote learning for at least the first week back after the winter holidays.

John Howitt with Lambton Kent District School Board says elementary students will mainly use that first week a chance to review and get back into the groove.

“Every day that a student has an opportunity to be in front of a teacher is a day that should not be wasted,” Howitt says. “In our elementary, we’re not going to be moving forward with a lot of new curriculum, it’ll be a lot of review. What a perfect opportunity for students who might have some gaps to reach out and connect.”

Deb Crawford, head of the St Clair Catholic District School Board says it’ll be a different experience than students had in the spring, but they want all students to have a chance for meaningful learning.

“For parents, if you’re having trouble with access or your student is really struggling with the online presentation of materials, please contact your school principals and we can work with parents to try to address these problems to ensure all kids have a meaningful education.”

Elementary students are expected to be allowed back into the classroom on January 11th, and secondary students can return on January 25th with the same safety protocols that have been in place throughout the fall.

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