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Wallaceburg-Walpole Island First Nation Health Coalition Formed

Sydenham-Campus-20131Shirley Roebuck who has been a member of the Chatham Kent Health Coalition, now she has helped to put together the Wallaceburg-Walpole Island First Nation Health Coalition.

The Coalition looks to educate people about what is happening to the Health Care System in the province.  Roebuck says that cuts are being made and hospitals are being gutted across the province, and she believes the Wallaceburg hospital is also in danger.

Roebuck says that Wallaceburg and Walpole Island have to unite to fight for the Wallaceburg hospital because that is the hospital that is in danger right now.

The Sydenham District Hospital Board recently held a public meeting and Roebuck says there was no information that came out at the meeting to make her believe that the Wallaceburg Hospital will be saved from the chopping block.

The Wallaceburg-Walpole Island First Nation Health Coalition will be holding a public meeting at the UAW hall in Wallaceburg on April the 7th at 6 pm to lay out all the information that is available about the cuts to the Chatham Kent Health Alliance’s funding and how that will affect the Sydenham Campus.

The Sydenham District Hospital Board has also scheduled another public meeting for April 19, at the UAW Hall at 5 p.m.

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