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Taking The Plunge For Special Olympics Ontario

With only a few days left until the event, organizers of this year’s Chatham-Kent Polar Plunge say fundraising efforts are progressing extremely well.

The 2024 Polar Plunge on Saturday will mark the seventh anniversary of this chilly fundraiser in Chatham-Kent, and the second year participants will be freezing for a reason at Sons of Kent Brewing Company in Chatham.

“We’re really looking forward to seeing how many people we can get to show up to both watch the participants and participate in the plunges,” said organizer Jason Herder.

This year’s Polar Plunge will also be the premier fundraising event for the 2024 Special Olympics School Championship Games being held in Chatham-Kent in June.

Herder said the fundraising team is well on its way to meeting the $400,000 goal for the games.

“We were tasked to fundraise for the games with a 13-month window, so we certainly felt the pressure to get things done,” he said.

Herder added that everyone can expect some “exciting announcements” about their fundraising progress following the polar plunge.

For first-time polar plunge participants who may be a litter nervous about jumping into the cold water, Herder said it’s important to remember that everyone is “going in together for the same cause.”

“The biggest thing to keep in mind is when you come to the event, make sure you bring a change of clothes [and] bring a towel. You definitely want to get yourself dried up and get yourself changed once it’s done as quick as you can,” said Herder. “It’s going to be a shock to your body and for those who might be doing their first ever cold water plunge, keeping your head above the water is my piece of advice.”

Herder also said there will also be a $5 buy-in to utilize a nearby hot tub to warm up after their dip in the ice-cold water.

Registration for Saturday’s Polar Plunge at Sons of Kent begins at noon with the event kicking off at 2 p.m. Attendees can expect food and beverages at the event, along with live music.

Teams and individuals who want to take the plunge can also register in advance at

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