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Temporary Woodlot Bylaw Extended

Noting that more time is needed to gather information to create a tree-cutting bylaw, Chatham-Kent council voted to extend a temporary clear-cutting bylaw until Dec. 14.

Council initially enacted a clear-cutting bylaw in April pausing woodlot clearing, as administration looked into creating an incentive program for woodlot owners and other measures. That temporary bylaw was set to expire today.

Council will get a better idea on local tree cover statistics when The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority presents a report in October. The report will compare Chatham-Kent’s tree coverage in 2010, 2015 and 2020.

Council also passed a motion directing administration to prepare the terms of reference for the creation of a natural heritage advisory committee of council, to be considered at the Sept. 27 meeting. 

The issue is something that people feel passionate about, as there were 22 deputations read out prior to last night’s online meeting, with citizens advocating for both sides of the clear-cutting bylaw.

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