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Torch Ride Raises $2000 For Special Olympics Ontario

2022 Chatham-Kent Torch Ride for Special Olympics.

$2000 has been raised for Special Olympics Ontario.

The annual Torch Ride was held in Chatham on Saturday with 28 participants and 20 bikes.

Organizer CKPS Constable Jason Herder says this was something of a rebuilding year coming out of the pandemic.

“We’re looking forward to next year and making that number grow and expand to get us back to our pre-pandemic levels,” Herder explains. “We obviously knew being one of the last weekends of the summer that people are busy, there’s a lot of stuff going on, and everyone’s trying to get stuff done before school gets back into gear.”

The 2019 Torch Ride, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, drew a crowd of 65 bikes and 75 participants from across Ontario and Michigan, raising $5000.

Herder says they’re already working on ways to grow the event for 2023, scheduled for August 26th.

“We’re going to add a Poker Run component back to the Ride, and we’re going to look at other ways of enticing our motorcycle community to get involved in the Ride itself.”

Next up for the local committee will be the Special Olympics Torch Run, being held Saturday, September 17th.

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