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Trail Usage Increases Across Chatham-Kent

More local residents are making use of the municipality’s trail system.

A network of infrared sensors were set up at 22 of the 45 municipally owned and maintained pathways and dust trails, keeping tabs on how often the paths were being used. 

Five long-term study counters and eight short-term studies were carried out, showing 427,786 walks and 15,469 bike rides took place across Chatham-Kent  between July and December.

The most active day was October 1st with 6067 walks taking place.

The trails with the highest use were in Chatham with 49%, followed by 32% in Erieau, and 7% in Mitchell’s Bay.

Municipal officials say while the numbers are interesting, they will also come in handy when applying for funding or other resources to support the Chatham-Kent trail network.

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