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Turbine Collapse Blamed on Faulty Blade

Following a wind turbine collapsed in south Kent earlier this year, TerraForm Power is releasing the results of its investigation.

Collapsed TerraForm wind turbine on 16th Line near Drake Road, January 19, 2018.

The cause of the collapse has been pinned on a ‘single faulty blade’.

The tower near the corner of Drake Road and 16th Line was found folded in half on the morning of January 19th, with the blades wrapped around the base.

According to Director of Investor Relations Chad Reed, the turbine, which is part of the Raleigh wind facility, returned to service last Sunday.

“No other similar issues were identified through the review process,” Reed says in a statement released to CKXS News. “We will continue to regularly and rigorously monitor all turbines as part of our ongoing review and maintenance process.”

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