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Virtual Meetings For Proposed St Clair Transmission Line

A pair of virtual community open houses are being held this week as Hydro One looks to build a new transmission line between St Clair Township and Chatham.

Part of the project for a double-circuit 230 kilovolt St Clair transmission line is completing a class environmental assessment, which includes community consultations.

The St Clair line is one of several projects the utility hopes to have up and running by 2028 to help meet the growing demand for power across the region.

On January 20th, the Ministry of Energy posted a proposal on the Environmental Registry to prioritize future projects in the region. If the plan is approved, it would accelerate work on five transmission lines across southwestern Ontario.

Two virtual meetings will be held, one Wednesday evening and the second on Thursday, both running from 7-8pm to learn more about the proposal, ask questions, and give feedback.

CLICK HERE for more information and to register for the virtual community open houses.

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