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Wallaceburg Veterans Honoured

The Legion Branch 18 in Wallaceburg is teaming up with the BIA to honour local veterans. wally-legion-banners

A series of banners are being placed around the downtown core this week.

Chair of the Salute Our Veterans campaign, Peter Polkinghorne, says it’s important to put a face to the stories leading up to Remembrance Day.

“Kind of an in your face reminder, this is who we owe our freedoms to,” Polkinghorne says. “On each banner is the name of the person, their picture, and what they served in, some Korea, some World War I.”

Polkinghorne says one veteran, Rufus Armstrong from Walpole Island, served in both World War I and World War II.

In all 25 banners are being hung around the downtown core, and will remain on display until just after Remembrance Day.

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