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Ward One Candidates

Two councillors to be elected

Lauren Anderson

  1. Tell us about yourself.

I’m Lauren Anderson, Wife, Mother, Business Owner, Registered Nurse, and Community Advocate. Being busy is my forte and has made me a master of multitasking, critical thinking, and taking issues from problem to solution.
Being a community advocate for years has given me a pride that has fueled a new passion to challenge my abilities as a Ward 1 Chatham Kent Councillor.

  1. Why are you running in the municipal election?

I have brought many issues and opportunities forward to the Municipal level and then relied on Council to complete the task. Now is my chance to have that vote at the table to continue to ensure CK and Ward 1 is a place that families will want to live in and raise their families in for generations to come.

  1. What is the biggest challenge facing Chatham-Kent?

One of CK’s biggest challenge is its sure size and diversity. From waterfront to agriculture, city to rural. Making decisions and providing appropriate supports and services to all areas continues to be a challenge. Expansion in the rural areas is going to be vital with the infrastructure and policies in place to support growth in all areas from residential, commercial, and agriculture.

Being a Wheatley resident, it is the expectation that everyone at the CK level and beyond will support the recovery and rebuild of this community with optimism and exceptional dedication.

  1. What do you consider to be Chatham-Kent’s biggest asset?

CK’s biggest asset is the untapped development of its waterfront. There are areas to be proud of and these areas have proven to be successful economically, commercially, and to the residents of this municipality to enjoy. Expanding on the underdeveloped waterfronts would surely encourage growth and further the appeal of these communities.

I am looking forward to being a voice for our municipality and advocating for the best interest of the residents that live and pay taxes within Chatham-Kent.

I am always motivated to learn, and doing so from the very people that live here is the best way.

Melissa Harrigan

  1. Tell us about yourself.
Melissa Harrigan

I am the current councillor for Ward One in Chatham-Kent, serving the areas surrounding Tilbury, Wheatley, and Merlin. I was raised in Tilbury, and returned to Chatham-Kent in 2012 with my husband Kris. We now live with our three children, Jack, Liam, and Ruby, along the Thames River near Jeannette’s Creek. I have worked in healthcare for almost ten years, in change management, medical affairs, and most currently, as the Executive Transformation Lead for the Chatham-Kent Ontario Health Team. Outside of work, I convene the Tilbury Storm Soccer League, enjoy playing sports, and love a good day working in the garden. I will never stop learning, and subscribe to life values of hope and hard work.

  1. Why are you running in the municipal election?

I am running for re-election for Chatham-Kent council because I believe in our community and its future. I want my children to love living in Chatham-Kent, and my parents to be able to grow old here. I am proud of some of the collective achievements made last term, but believe there is more work to be done. I believe I am an effective voice for our community, and would be honoured to continue to support the village of volunteers, residents, businesses, and community partners that are needed to achieve our community goals.

  1. What is the biggest challenge facing Chatham-Kent?

Locally, the recovery and rebuilding of Wheatley is at the top of my list for the next term. The explosion that happened in August 2021 was a shock to the people of Wheatley, and was felt across Chatham-Kent. Outside of Wheatley, the challenge we face with aging infrastructure and funding our asset management plan is huge. This is further exacerbated by climate impacts felt by things like the closing of Talbot Trail road, or severe rain storms that cause flooding in towns where storm sewers are outdated. Looking for creative ways to address our infrastructure challenges, while advocating for increased funding will be important next term.

  1. What do you consider to be Chatham-Kent’s biggest asset?

Chatham-Kent is a community full of do-ers. The partnerships and collaboration that I see across sectors in my work, personal, and council worlds truly demonstrate a willingness for people to put their personal interests aside for the betterment of the community. Leveraging partnerships to achieve our goals as a community is the way we do things in CK. The people are our greatest asset.

(182) YourVote: Melissa Harrigan, Ward 1 (West-Kent) – YouTube

Sandy Maynard

  1. Tell us about yourself?

I am a rural resident outside the town of Merlin, recently retired. 36 years in senior management positions for a local international Ag Research company. Managed the day to day operations. I have Multiple Leadership courses, I am willing and able to listen, I have the time to commit to Ward 1, strong work ethic.

  1. Why are you running in municipal election?

Time for a Change…Support the residents of the ward 1 and the surrounding community in a way that respects their hard-earned dollars. To help and support the changes they want to see for the next 4 years. Represent them to city hall and not the other way around.

  1. What is the biggest challenge facing Chatham-Kent?

Bridging the rural/urban divide as perception is reality. Due Diligence on ward issues before council votes; Getting folks back in their homes in Wheatley and rebuilding the core there; Talbot Trail bypass and detours; Support our lifeline of Agriculture; High taxes (Need to be lower) as there is no perceived increase in services for most residents, we need growth in sustainable good paying jobs

  1. What do you consider to be Chatham-Kent’s biggest asset?

Our Waterfront potential bordering most of the municipality.  We have so many opportunities to beautify and drive growth in these areas, very little action. (Wheatley Harbor, Government Docks at Jeanettes Creek)

David Serednicki

  1. Tell us about yourself.

I am a lifelong resident of the Tilbury area, having grown up and gone to both schools in town. I’ve spent some time in and around a few industries of the area as well, including farming, technical services and manufacturing. I’m currently apart of the local Cadet program, working with local youth as a part time Officer in the Canadian Forces. I’m also the Chairman for the Stoney Point Sportsmen’s Club and involved with the Tilbury Legion Br.206. I enjoy small town living and wish to contribute to continuing this great area we live in.

  1. Why are you running in the municipal election?

I am running to provide a fair representation in council for rural issues for CK and those facing ward 1. I strongly believe in fiscal responsibility and in being available to the residents to support our small communities. Communication and cooperation and fairness are principles I will use with residents, groups and councillors to coordinate support for ward 1 and rural CK as a whole.

  1. What is the biggest challenge facing Chatham-Kent?

The biggest challenge would be aging infrastructure and the investment needed to enable growth focused across rural CK. Much investment has been tabled for the Chatham city proper, but many of our small towns are growing and an investment plan needs to exist to support our small communities and farmers.

  1. What do you consider to be Chatham-Kent’s biggest asset?

We’re fortunate to have so many small communities and diverse farm land that make up a large part of CK and it’s the hard work of volunteers, groups and service clubs that make our communities what they are. I don’t believe the rural communities of CK have been given the attention or investment they deserve by council. We hear consistently of large projects in the Chatham area but little of the investment plans for the smaller towns or rural areas. In council I will coordinate with other rural councillors to raise the investment and support of rural CK.

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