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Water Wells First Upset with Ford Government and Local MPPs

Water Wells First and spokesperson Kevin Jakubec meets with Doug Ford during a campaign stop in Wallaceburg in April 2018

Water Wells First is upset that the Doug Ford government didn’t use the platform of the recent International Plowing Match to announce a start date for the health investigation into dirty well water in the area.

“It was a perfect opportunity, being in ground zero, to announce the start date of the health hazard investigation,” Jakubec says.

Kevin Jakubec says his group is disappointed that the government has remained silent on the issue, even after Ford promised he’d look into the issue during a campaign stop in Wallaceburg in April.

“We’re several months now into the new government, and we haven’t seen the start date announced. And so there was great disappointed at the International Plowing Match from the community, and anger at both MPP Monte McNaughton and MPP Rick Nicholls that there wasn’t a start date announced,” says Jakubec.

Jakubec says during the recent provincial election campaign, all parties with the exception of the Liberals, said they supported a health investigation into the dirty water wells issue in Chatham-Kent.

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