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WWF Protesters on the Move

It’s moving day for a group of protesters south of Wallaceburg.

Water Wells First protesters blockade a North Kent Wind construction site on Bush Line.

Following a court ruling earlier this week, Water Wells First activists will be packing up a blockade on Base Line, protesting wind turbine construction.

Yesterday, North Kent Wind announced it would cease construction attempts at the site until an injunction against the protesters is heard in court later this month.

In the meantime, however, the court has put an interim order in place, preventing anyone from obstructing or impeding access to any North Kent construction sites.

The activists will be holding a special ceremony early this afternoon before vacating the site.

While they’re no longer allowed to block off North Kent Wind turbine sites, some of the protesters say they’ll be keeping up the pressure on the company and provincial government to halt all wind farm construction in the area.

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