Chatham-Kent residents are being given the chance to provide input on a proposed by-law that will regulate backyard chickens in the municipality.

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent has launched an online survey on the draft by-law for a pilot program, which will allow residents to keep hens on rural and village residential property.

The survey will remain open until September 19 on the Let’s Talk Chatham-Kent website.

Also on September 19, an in-person public engagement session on the draft by-law will be held at the Ken Houston Memorial and Agricultural Centre in Dresden at 6 p.m. Those who cannot attend in person can participate from home by live-streaming the engagement session on the municipality’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Feedback gathered from the survey and the public engagement session will be provided to council along with the draft by-law in the fall.

CK Council directed administration to draft the by-law for the backyard chicken pilot program during a meeting on May 27. While the pilot program will be limited, it will allow the municipality and council to eventually move towards a permanent backyard chicken program.