A school-based competition has returned for another year, pitting schools in Chatham-Kent and Lambton County against one another in a reading competition.
Registration is underway for the third annual Clash of the Classrooms is hosted by the Chatham-Kent Public Library and Lambton County Library, with support from the Rotary Club of Chatham, in hopes of strengthening students’ love of reading.
The competition is open to elementary, secondary, and homeschool classes, and runs from February 3 to March 7, earning badges for reaching reading milestones and completing activities. Any time students spend reading inside and outside the classroom can be added to class reading totals.
The two elementary classes and one high school class from each region with the most minutes read will win a pizza party. The school with the most reading minutes per capita will win a cash donation for their library or learning commons. The Clash Cup trophy will be awarded to the elementary and high school with the most reading minutes.
Teachers can register their class online. For more information and step-by-step instructions on how to sign up, visit lclibrary.ca/clash, or call 519-354-2940.