The municipality is helping to promote bicycle safety with a series of videos. bike-lane

Public Health Educator Chris Sherman says filming begins this morning.

“Showing people how to navigate bike lanes and on-road cycling facilities, sharing the road with motorists,” Sherman says. “There’s going to be five videos in total. Four of them will be bike safety related, whether it’s equipment, helmets, or on-road riding. One will be promoting cycling in general, cycling opportunities around Chatham-Kent.”

The video is being paid for through a Ministry of Transportation cycling skills grant.

Filming will take place at a number of locations around Chatham: Cecile Avenue and Faubert Drive, Lacroix between Cecile and Indian Creek, and Riverview Line from Bloomfield to Dillon Road from 8:30am until shortly after 3pm.

The video series will be made available through social media and on the Public Health Unit website sometime after Christmas.