The Wallaceburg Tartans Swim Team is thanking the community for helping them get to an international swim meet in Hawaii. wdss-swim-team-in-hawaii

Coach Nancy Schinkelshoek says many on the swimmers pulled off personal best times, and the team as a whole did very well.

“We were there with some pretty high caliber swimmers, some of them can even brag that they are State Champions,” she says. “Our team held their own.”

“In order to make the second day’s swim, you had to place in the top 16 and this meet had 22 schools and over 400 swimmers, and every single one of our relays made it to that second day’s swim,” Schinkelshoek says. “Just exceptional swims from our kids.”

The team spent the better part of last year raising money to make the trip.

Schinkelshoek says they have a bit of a break now for exams, and they’ll return to the pool for some championships this spring.