If you are a dog owner in Chatham-Kent you may be getting a knock on your door this morning.

The municipality is on a man hunt….or dog hunt for pups without tags.

Animal Control manager Jason Hamm says they’re beginning a month long blitz today to run down the nearly 1000 owners who have not purchased a tag.

“It is required to license your dog under the bylaw, but it’s also beneficial to the dog owner because each dog with a tag has a number associated with it,” Hamm explains. “That goes back to the dog owner’s information so Animal Control is able to contact the owner as soon as we get the dog into our care, therefore making the dog go home faster and spend less time at the shelter.”

The initial cost was $38 or $48 depending on whether your pet is fixed.

Anyone who doesn’t have a tag will be given 24 hours to renew their license or face a $240 fine.