Concerns about funding and location were some of the issues raised during last night’s arena meeting at the Civic Centre.

Photo by Morena McDonald, CKXS News.

Following a public survey earlier this month, the municipality was looking for feedback on the potential for a new twin-pad arena.

The survey yielded 2500 responses, with nearly half suggesting the municipality should wait until federal and/or provincial funding could be secured before moving forward.

Other residents in attendance expressed concerns about how the survey was conducted and how any future facilities would be used.

Nathan Trudell, who started the Build the Complex campaign, likes the idea of a full multi-use sports complex on the former Navistar property, not just another hockey rink.

“It’s not just the complex, it’s the whole development,” Trudell says. “We’re talking hotels, new retail stores, restaurants, it’ll be a community within a community and the tax increase we would get in revenue from that alone would be major.”

Municipal staff will be putting together a report based on last night’s input, and should have something to present to council at the end of May.