A local group is hoping council will vote against a new twin-pad arena.

Design courtesy of Build the Complex CK.

Municipal administration is recommending that Chatham’s Memorial and Erickson Arenas be replaced by a new facility at a cost of $63-million dollars, but that doesn’t sit well with the head of Build the Complex CK, Nathan Trudell.

“They want to build a 2200 seat arena with a secondary pad and just do a basic thing, replacing the arenas we had,” Trudell says. “We disagree wholeheartedly with their recommendation, our city needs something special. We’re not doing anything to bring people here, bring business here, or retain our youth.”

Trudell has been advocating for a sports complex to be built that would incorporate large entertainment events, retail, restaurants, and other amenities.

The group estimates their idea would cost closer to $75-million.