A Chatham retirement home is getting a face-lift, thanks to some provincial funding.

The Ontario government has announced 761-million dollars to build and renovate 74 long-term care facilities.

Copper Terrance is in line for 2.6 million of that, upgrading 64 spaces.

“Our government has been taking historic steps to improve the quality of life for our loved ones by adding capacity and upgrading Ontario’s long-term care homes,” says Merrilee Fullerton, Ontario’s Minister of Long Term Care. “We introduced the modernized funding model to build and renovate these homes faster, and we’re already seeing results, with thousands of new, safe, and comfortable spaces in progress.”

The new modernized funding model moves away from a one-size-fits-all approach, and instead, provides tailored incentives to address the needs of developers in different markets.

“Over the next decade, and as our population ages, the need for long term care beds will increase significantly”, Chatham-Kent-Leamington MPP Rick Nicholls says. “Our government is ensuring that our loved ones will have a comfortable, modern place to live with the support they need and when they need it.”

The 138-bed long term care home on Tecumseh Road began as a sugar beet factory before being turned into a nursing home in 1968.