It was a challenging year for the Chatham-Kent police services as they were front and centre in the biggest battle of the year.

“This is a very challenging year for all of us, 2020 was certainly a milestone year,” Conn says. “If I were to take a look at the year as a whole, obviously COVID-19 and all the issues surrounding COVID-19 were probably the greatest challenge of 2020.”

As for 2021, he says the biggest factor will be the COVID vaccine and getting everyone taken care of.

Chief Conn says the past year was also marked by concern over police interactions with black and Indigenous individuals who for years have fought against the evil that is racism.

“We as a profession and society, because it is not just in policing but as a societal level as well, we must confront and root it out if we’re ever going to move forward.”

Chief Conn says a big deal coming in the year 2021 will be the presentation of the next strategic business plan. That will set the direction for the organization over the next 4 years.